President introduces journalists to mangrove varieties at Bali Forest

While awaiting G20 leaders, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) informed about the mangrove species at Ngurah Rai Grand Forest Park to media officials and journalists, whom he took along to rest at that location’s VVIP area.

“We have 33 species (of mangroves) here,” President Jokowi stated at the Wantilan Hall, Nugrah Rai Grand Forest Park, on Wednesday.

Alex, whom President Jokowi spoke to, is a journalist from the United States.

Representative media officials from the G20 countries expressed happiness since without strict protocol rules, they could talk directly with President Jokowi.

One of the journalists who joined in the walk to the forest was Athi Geleba from South Africa. He admitted to being highly impressed by President Jokowi’s friendliness.

“You know, we were sitting under the sun, and he invited us to a cooler part where there was some shade, and there, they also offered us drinks, and he was very friendly, very approachable,” Geleba stated.

“We were actually very surprised when the president invited us to come and join him,” he affirmed.

President Jokowi thereafter invited journalists to go around the grand forest park and observe the mangroves.

President Jokowi listed to them the mangrove species in the nursery area, including Rhizopora apiculata, Bruguiera gymnorrhiza, and Celiops tagal.

“These seedlings are three to six months old,” the president noted while showing several mangrove seedlings.

“We started planting mangroves here in 1996,” Jokowi explained.

After taking a walk with the journalists, President Jokowi returned to the Wantilan Hall to wait for the arrival of the G20 leaders and international organizations. President Jokowi and leaders of the G20 delegations are scheduled to plant mangrove trees together.

The president’s entourage in the activity were Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan, Environment and Forestry Minister Siti Nurbaya Bakar, and Public Works and Public Housing Minister Basuki Hadimuljono.


Source: Antara News

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