Bangkok: Public Health Minister Somsak Thepsuthin has addressed concerns regarding Shine Muscat grapes and the presence of chemical residues, emphasizing that these grapes can be safely consumed after proper washing.
According to Thai News Agency, Minister Somsak clarified that the inspection results of the Shine Muscat grapes showed chemical values exceeding standard levels. He advised consumers to listen to announcements from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) regarding such findings. If the chemicals exceed the standard, penalties will be imposed. However, if they do not exceed the standard, consumers should be informed about the proper cleaning methods for imported fruits, such as soaking them in water for 20-30 minutes. This precaution is necessary because many fruits carry various types of chemicals.
Minister Somsak further explained that the FDA has already established the lowest chemical standards, and when fruits do not exceed these levels, consumers must adjust their cleaning practices and com
munication understanding. He also warned informants to be cautious when providing information to avoid causing unnecessary damage to the product’s reputation. In cases where there is no wrongdoing, penalties and punishments will still be enforced to ensure compliance.
Addressing the issue of toxin tests exceeding standards, Minister Somsak reiterated that the standards set are minimum and highlighted the importance of cleaning fruits to ensure they are safe for consumption. He stressed that the edibility of fruits can vary and depends on each specific type, urging consumers to follow recommended cleaning practices.