Raid on illegal drug factory in Thung Kru area

FDA officers, together with Metropolitan Police investigators, raided an illegal drug factory in the Thung Khru area. There were clues to the source of the flood of green and yellow drugs. They were shocked to find the remains of a dead lizard in the boiling pot. The factory owner insisted that he was operating an honest business.

FDA and Drug Administration officers, together with the Metropolitan Police Bureau’s investigation team and Thung Khru Police Station officers, raided an “illegal drug factory” in the Thung Khru area. The search started when they found a lot number for the painkiller Tramadol from this factory that was reported to be exported overseas, but the same lot number was found at a drug store in Thailand. They therefore expanded the investigation and entered to search.

When the officers raided, they found a large amount of green and yellow medicine, as well as various other medicines, some of which were counterfeit, including Vaseline for lips. Shockingly, a dead lizard was found in the
pot where the Vaseline for lips was made. This place is the origin of Tramadol or ‘green and yellow medicine’ outside the system (falsely reported to the FDA) more than 2.7 million pills, which are the origin of more than 84 million pills flooding the market, which can be mixed into four times a hundred narcotics.

From the initial investigation, it was found that this factory has 2 warehouses. The first warehouse is for storing goods in boxes and packaging for sale. The other warehouse, about 10 meters away, is used for producing counterfeit medicine. There are gas tanks, stoves, medicine production equipment, and scales inside. Inside are full of counterfeit medicines and fake trade labels, such as Vaseline lip balm from a certain brand that is packaged in clear jars with yellow lids.

There is also fake formaldehyde, which the workers claim is used to wash vegetables. Inside the blue container, when opened, is a famous brand of stomach ache reliever (Asafetida).

Ms. Trichata Sritada, Spokesperson for the
Ministry of Public Health, Political Division, Dr. Witit Srisatidchaikul, Deputy Secretary-General of the Food and Drug Administration, revealed that from the inspection, it was found that this factory has been forging drug production documents from the FDA number.

As for the drugs found today, there were many types of drugs, all of which were self-produced drugs, drugs smuggled in from abroad illegally, and there were forged packaging labels, including FDA registration numbers. As for the sign with the name of the female pharmacist on it in front of the warehouse, it will have to be checked again to see if it is a real doctor or not, and if there was an impersonation.

It was reported that this factory has been open for at least 10 years and sells to drug stores nationwide. The locals did not know that this factory was open as a drug production facility because the fence in front of the house was always closed. In addition, during the search, the officers also found the factory owner and employees working.

hile Mr. Somsak, the factory owner, confirmed that he has been operating the business legally for over 10 years and has clear documents to confirm. / As for the case where the authorities found that the drugs were being produced in a place that was not as registered, he would like to clarify that it was divided for packaging before being sent for sale. As for the issue that the FDA found the lot number of the drugs, which were reported to be exported abroad but were found to be sold domestically, he would like to give his statement to the investigator only. He was shocked that the authorities came to search the factory and confirmed that he was operating an honest business.

From the investigation of the arresting team, Mr. Somsak denied all charges, stating that he ‘did not want to make any statement. All the evidence that the officers found belonged to a friend. A friend brought it to him. Therefore, he was charged with ‘possession of a Category 2 psychotropic substance for sale’ (in other charges, approxim
ately 6 charges, the investigator will proceed to inform additionally).

For the seized evidence:

1. Methylphenidate, trade name Ritalin, which is a Category 2 psychotropic substance, amount 44,000 tablets;

2. Unregistered Viagra, amount 2,900 tablets;

3. Production of counterfeit herbal products

; 4. Green and yellow drugs or Tramadol (not in the system), approximately 2.7 million tablets

; 5. Vaseline for lips, along with production equipment (lizard corpse found);

6. 20,000 bottles of illegal Formalin,

and many other items. The value of the seized evidence is approximately 30 million baht. -416.

Source: Thai News Agency