“Rangsiman Rome” believes that 8 parties join hands is the best solution

The Kao Klai Party, June 26- “Rangsiman Rome” sees the cobra as a historical wound. I do not want to see the betrayal of the people. Looking at the minority government is difficult to believe that 8 parties join hands. is the best solution

Mr. Rangsiman Rome, party-list MP, Kaow Klai, mentioned the current news that he would buy 100 million cobras before opening the council that if talking about buying cobras must admit It’s a matter of history and the wounds shouldn’t happen. people elected by the people What we don’t want to see the most is public betrayal Regardless of which party It is a process that may bring confidence. And the public’s faith in the parliamentary system may be reduced. and cause long-term damage to Thai politics This kind of thing shouldn’t happen.

“Hao, if there is a chance to continue long-term politics. I don’t think it’s easy. If we look at many the man who is a cobra No more opportunities from the people, so I think that there should be no atmosphere like that, ”said Mr. Rangsiman.

Mr. Rangsiman said that whether it was the election of the council president choose the prime minister It should be a duty that corresponds to the wishes of the people to see the government. Money should not be taken or the matter that will be promised to each other as a condition or an exchange of raising hands Which if doing so would destroy politics, the nation and democracy.

As for the story of the cobra coming out of that senator Mr. Rangsiman said he could not answer, he did not know the facts about the cobra. But in principle this kind of thing shouldn’t happen. It should be a straightforward act of a person exercising legislative power. whether MPs or senators. What we have to help each other make it happen is to choose the Speaker of the House or the Prime Minister. in line with the results of the election

It is believed that this way is the only way to keep our country out of the shackles of conflict. and can move on If the government does a bad job It is a matter for the people to decide whether the government finally performs its duties with quality or not. If the interim constitutional process expires next year if obstructed How can I be sure that Thailand will move forward as it can. In the end, may it be a traditional political quagmire? What they want to see is Just help make it right. return normalcy to politics Don’t use all the demonic moves ever again.

The part that many parties see Establishing a government was unsuccessful and took a long time. Mr. Rangsiman said he thought there was a level of it. If we form an 8-party coalition government, it is considered fast. It’s a pretty smooth process, too. and can agree to be an MOU Without Section 272, this process would have been almost complete. In the slow part, there may be other factors such as the certification of MPs, which takes a lot of time to approve. He did not understand that he was certifying immediately after the election and spent 1 month of certification How are the results different? because the Election Commission of Thailand (ECT) did not give out any certificates he is not sure Delays like this at one part of the Election Commission As a factor, what does the country benefit from? If we look at it fairly The process of forming a government of the party has not been slow. But the question arises because we are concerned that Our country will have unusual politics. If we believe that normal politics These questions will not arise, but he confirmed that The Progressive Party has a stand to restore normalcy to society. and trying to move forward to form a government

Mr. Rangsiman said that if a minority government was established, what would the Progressive Party do? Mr. Rangsiman said He saw that the opportunity to happen was quite difficult. Because 1. As far as following the debate, some political parties said the same thing. that the chances of having a minority government would be impossible 2. The minority government is difficult to administer. Because in the end, the law must be passed through the House of Assembly. both about the budget distrust debate Therefore, the opportunity for a minority government is not easy. and also ensure that The way we propose to society in joining hands with 8 parties, totaling 313 votes, is the only solution and the best solution for Thailand right now. .-Thai News Agency

Source: Thai News Agency