Roi Et Lottery Vendors Association complains of being threatened and seized rights to sell digital lottery tickets

The Lottery Vendors Association of Roi Et Province submitted a request to the Deputy Minister of Finance to investigate the case of being threatened, intimidated, physically assaulted, and having their rights to be a digital lottery vendor seized by an influential group in the Government Lottery Office.

Mr. Chulaphan Amornvivat, Deputy Minister of Finance, along with MPs from the Pheu Thai Party, received a letter from Mr. Saman Ranrana, representative of the Lottery Distributors Association of Roi Et Province and his team, requesting fairness and assistance in investigating and suppressing influential figures in the case of citizens of Phanom Phrai and Suwannaphum Districts, Roi Et Province, who are eligible to sign contracts to be digital six-digit government lottery distributors, whose rights were threatened and blocked, threatened, and forced to not sign contracts by influential groups who attempted to seize such rights from citizens, resulting in citizens not signing contracts, being disqualified, and
having their rights to be digital lottery distributors seized, as the Government Lottery Office has created a platform for selling government lottery tickets or digital lottery tickets, requiring buyers to reserve government lottery tickets in advance so that actual lottery distributors will have more distribution channels and can sell lottery tickets at a price of 80 baht. Those who bring lottery tickets to sell through the platform of the Government Lottery Office will not have any additional costs or fees. The Lottery Office has called applicants to join the project to show themselves and sign contracts as announced by the Government Lottery Office. On the day the people went to sign the contract at the lottery office, it turned out that a group of approximately 50 people showed up at the Government Lottery Office, threatening and intimidating them to not sign the contract and giving the right to this group of people to manage voluntarily. This right is beneficial to the people, so we ask the Ministry of F
inance and those involved to be fair to our brothers and sisters by coordinating with the Government Lottery Office to investigate the facts and return the rights to the people. We also take action to solve the problem so that Thai people who have rights and freedoms under the constitution can exercise their rights legally without anyone forcing or threatening them. We will take legal action against the offenders to the fullest extent of the law.

Mr. Chulaphan said that as an MP and having the opportunity to work in the executive branch and being assigned to oversee the Government Lottery Office, he will urgently investigate two issues. The first issue is to return rights to those who deserve them. As a supervisor, he will thoroughly investigate anyone whose rights are violated, which are legitimate rights that the government will take action on correctly. The second issue is about influential groups using force against the people. He will talk to relevant agencies to proceed with the next steps, whether it
is the police or the Ministry of Interior, which have a duty to look after the well-being of the people and not allow them to use power beyond the law or use illegal power. This government does not accept the use of illegal power. As for the Ministry of Finance and the Lottery Office, they will have to look into where there are still unfair processes. If there are any areas that are not correct, the government under the leadership of Prime Minister Paethongtarn Shinawatra will not compromise on these matters. He will urgently investigate this matter and will try to make every government agency transparent and fair to the people.

Source: Thai News Agency