“Somkid” reveals Pheu Thai will send “Chaikasem” to compete for PM

“Somkid” reveals “Pheu Thai” has proposed “Chaikasem” to compete for PM despite dissenting voices, pointing out that the cabinet quota remains the same, unchanged .

Somkid Chuekong, former deputy secretary-general to the prime minister for political affairs, said after the Constitutional Court ruled to dismiss Settha Thavisin from the prime ministerial position that the Pheu Thai Party will meet today from 9:00 to 9:30 a.m. to select the person to hold the position of new prime minister. He had known since last night that it would likely be Chaikasem Nitisiri, and he had heard that there were many votes both for and against it. Some people had proposed Ms. Paethongtarn Shinawatra, which was normal. However, he was confident that Mr. Wisut Chainarun, chairman of the government coalition coordination committee (government whip), would explain to all MPs so that they would understand. After this, he will attend the government whip meeting at 10:00 a.m. and will know the results soon. The Pheu Thai Party is disc
iplined. Whatever the majority says, it will be done.

As for the reason why Mr. Chaikasem was chosen, Mr. Somkid said that he did not know the reason, but he is considered a senior and has considerable political experience, including being a former attorney general. He should understand the principles well. As for Ms. Paethongtarn, she will continue to perform her duties as the leader of the Pheu Thai Party.

Mr. Somkid added that Mr. Chaikasem’s health is good, depending on how the management will be approached because each prime minister has a different way of working. He confirmed that this discussion is not considered a violation of the Political Party Act or political influence because all parties have agreed together and cannot influence.

As for the issue that the prime minister position will be transferred to another coalition party, Mr. Somkid said that he does not see that path at this time. Pheu Thai has 141 votes. In principle, the prime minister position still belongs to Pheu Thai. He believes t
hat the coalition parties understand this principle, which is already a legitimate right.

Mr. Somkid also mentioned about the ministerial quota that other parties are the same as before. As for whether Pheu Thai Party will adjust personnel or not, it is up to the new Prime Minister. It is normal for adjustments to be made. However, he himself sees that other parties will still have the same quota, nothing much will be added. As for adjusting personnel, it may be a matter for each party. He believes that Pheu Thai Party may have some adjustments to personnel and expects that it will take more than 20 days.

When asked whether the appointment of Mr. Chaikasem was not because Mr. Settha was acting as a hindrance, Mr. Somkid said that there was no hindrance and that he was already working to his full potential. No one was acting as a hindrance to anyone.

Mr. Somkid talked about the smoothness of the new government formation that from what he heard today, there shouldn’t be any problems. From what he went to the
government whips, it ended the same. He talked to the chief whips of each party and there shouldn’t be any problems. The original coalition parties didn’t break ranks. He himself didn’t receive a phone call that anyone had broken ranks. 317.

Source: Thai News Agency