Spatial design crucial matter in national capital bill: legislator

A member of the special committee for drafting the National Capital Bill (RUU IKN), Guspardi Gaus, has emphasized that spatial design should be a serious discussion in formulating the National Capital Law.

“A lot of people question, highlight, and take the existing spatial design as an important issue,” Gaus said in the webinar “The Draft of the National Capital Bill in The Perspective of Government Studies” here on Sunday.

He pointed out, some problems that are related to the spatial design of the new capital are land structure, forests, and floods that often hit the Kalimantan region.

However, after he confirmed with the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), he figured that the flood that occurred recently in Kalimantan is not in the location for the new capital of Indonesia.

“The purpose of relocating the capital city is to avoid flooding and so on,” he added.

In his presentation, Gaus explained that the relocation of the capital city aims to solve the problems that currently exist in Jakarta, such as traffic congestion, flooding, inequitable development, and others.

Therefore, Gaus who is also a member of Commission II of the House of Representatives (DPR RI) affirmed that spatial design is a crucial topic in creating the National Capital Law.

Moreover, the goal of the nation’s capital is not only for the next 10 to 20 years but also to answer the challenges in  the next 50 years, he highlighted.

“Hopefully, under the leadership of Jokowi, the relocation of the capital city will be realized. At the very least, with the IKN Bill, there is certainly a legitimacy tool of the government’s and the House’s sincerity about it,” Gaus explained.

Furthermore, he revealed that his team had held a public hearing for five days, and currently, the discussion of the IKN Bill has reached the problem inventory stage.

“The special committee has invited scientists and experts from many fields to give inputs and suggestions. This is also a part of being transparent and accountable in our discussion,” he concluded.



Source: Antara News

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