Storm hits Uttaradit The hospital had to evacuate patients to escape chaos.

Uttaradit, Uttaradit Governor visits Uttaradit Hospital area. Surveying the damage from the storm Soldiers and volunteers help clean up.

A storm hit 45 sub-districts in Uttaradit Province. Thunderstorms, gusts of wind, and hail have a wide impact, with power poles broken and power lines broken in many places. Causing the power to go out in the entire city all night. The strength of the storm caused the glass to shatter. In Uttaradit Hospital, the ceiling in the patient room on the 6th floor of the 100 Years Building collapsed, shocking both those and the victims. relatives and nurses We had to rush to move the patient out for safety. Recently, the provincial governor led soldiers and volunteers to clean the buildings of Uttaradit Hospital. and block the area at the scene of the incident Waiting for repairs Other services Still providing normal service .

Source: Thai News Agency