Syrup drug guidelines based on BPOM decision: ministry

Instructions on the usage of children’s syrups have been provided in the decision released by the National Food and Drug Supervisory Agency (BPOM) last week, Health Ministry spokesperson Mohammad Syahril has said.

“This effort is in a bid to prevent an increase in cases of acute kidney injury in Indonesia,” Syahril said at a press conference  on Wednesday.

The decision was confirmed by the Health Ministry through letter HK.02.02/III/3713/2022 issued on November 11, 2022, which was addressed to all health offices at the provincial, city, and district levels as well as hospitals across Indonesia.

The decision was also communicated to six professional organizations, including the executive board of the National Pediatricians’ Association (PB IDI), the executive board of the National Dentists’ Association (PB PDGI), the Indonesian Pediatrician Association (IDAI), the central executive of the Indonesian National Nurses’ Association (PPNI), the central board of the National Midwives’ Association (PP-IBI), as well as the National Pharmacists’ Association (IAI).

“With this circular, all medical service providers, drugstores, medical personnel, in using syrup drugs will be guided by the explanation from the head of BPOM,” he informed.

Syahril said that the ministry has issued several policies on the use of syrup drugs for children, in accordance with the results of supervision and testing undertaken by BPOM.

Since the Health Ministry prohibited the use of syrup drugs on October 18 till the present, the agency has declared a number of syrup drug products as safe or unsafe for consumption.

As of October 22, BPOM has released lists of 133 and 23 products that do not contain propylene glycol, polyethylene glycol, sorbitol, and/or glycerin/glycerol, making them safe for use as long as they are taken in the recommended dosage.

The agency has also updated the test results for syrup drugs as of October 27, with the release of an additional list of 197 products that have also been found to be safe.

Furthermore, on November 6 and 9, BPOM announced a list of syrup drugs that have been deemed unsafe for consumption due to the presence of chemicals that are harmful to kidneys.

“Those excluded (for consumption) include the syrup drug products of PT Yarindo Farmatama, PT Universal Pharmaceutical, and PT Afi Farma because their licenses have been revoked, so their production cannot be used,” he informed.

The spokesperson reported that cases of acute kidney injury in Indonesia have begun to decline in the past two weeks following the government’s prompt measure to ban syrup drugs.

As of November 15, a total of 324 cases have been reported in the country. Of the total patients, 111 have recovered, 199 have died, and 14 are still in intensive care.

“As confirmation, that since November 2 until now, or in the last two weeks, there has been a decrease in cases. This means that cases have not increased, so there are still 324 cases in the last two weeks,” he said.


Source: Antara News

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