“Teacher Ben” returns to teach at her original school.

In the case of ‘Teacher Ben’ complaining about the results of the selection examination for employment as a general civil servant in the position of teacher under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office of Sa Kaeo, she returned to teach at her original school after the results of the examination of scores did not pass the criteria as specified in the regulations.

Ms. Benyapha or ‘Teacher Ben’, 24 years old, who took the selection exam for a general civil service position as a teacher under the Office of the Secondary Education Area of ??Sa Kaeo, came in first place. However, after 3 days, her name was not on the list. She therefore filed a complaint to seek justice. Last Friday, the announcement of the results of the examination of Teacher Ben’s answer sheet was postponed. However, the results were in: Teacher Ben’s test score did not pass the criteria, falling below 60% as stipulated in the regulations for both Part A and Part B. After this, the answer sheet will be sent to the Forensic Science Divi
sion to examine for signs of corrections, whether answers have been erased or changed.

Lt. Col. Raphasit Phatthasirichaisin, or Deputy James, Vice President of the Foundation for the Restoration of Social Justice, revealed after talking to Khru Ben that Khru Ben did not want to be number 1, but only wanted justice and fairness. She did not want to receive any compensation. She wanted to be a teacher of students happily and fulfill her role as a teacher, even though she was only a contract teacher. Even though she fought until she was accepted, Khru Ben would not be happy being there anymore. After this, Khru Ben would not be allowed to say or do anything because she was expected to be hurt enough by the exams and the results of this system. At the same time, Khru Ben’s old workplace did not approve her resignation letter, meaning that Khru Ben would go back to being a contract teacher and teaching Grade 1 students as usual. Khru Ben said that she had to move forward because the Grade 1 students were waiting
for Khru Ben to go back and teach them.

There is another question about whether the method should be changed. Some people still wonder how Kru Ben’s score was not high enough to be interviewed in Section C. Looking back at the calendar for recruiting government teachers in Sa Kaeo, the exam was conducted in a single session. The names of those eligible to take the exam were announced on August 27. Then Sections A, B, and C were taken on September 7-8. The exam was finished and the results were announced on September 9. This means that the exam was completed in 2 days. The results were announced the next day.

On this issue, Pol. Lt. Col. Thanu Wongchinda, Secretary-General of the Basic Education Commission, answered questions about this issue that in the case of Teacher Ben, the results of the investigation concluded that she did not pass Part A and Part B, but was able to take Part C because this examination was open for selection of personnel to be appointed as civil servants in the position of teacher und
er the Office of the Secondary Education Area (SEA) of Sa Kaeo Province, according to the regulations of the Office of the Prime Minister on the administration of civil servants.

The government agency is responsible for determining the examination method, which the Office of the Basic Education Commission has issued the examination criteria for Part A, Part B, and Part C consecutively. This examination is scheduled for Part A and Part B on September 7, and Part C on September 8. After the examination is complete, the scores for all three parts will be checked. A score of at least 60 percent must be obtained to pass the selection criteria.

Different from the selection examination for civil service teachers, it uses criteria according to the regulations of the Office of the Teachers and Educational Personnel Commission or TSC, which clearly states that Part A and Part B must pass the 60% score criteria in order to be eligible to take Part C.

The regulations for the selection of civil servants to be employed
use the same examination regulations nationwide and are practices that were in place before the complaint was filed. It should be emphasized that in order to create maximum transparency and credibility in this case, all evidence has now been forwarded to the Police Forensic Science Division for joint investigation. When there is a conclusion from the various agencies, a press conference will be held to clarify to the public. If the investigation results find that there is an offense, action will be taken in accordance with the policy and punishments according to the regulations.

However, this matter has progressed from the Education Committee, where Mr. Parami Waichongcharoen or Kru Chuang, a party-list MP of the Prachachon Party, tweeted a message via x that if Kru Benyapha still has some concerns and feels that she has been treated unfairly, I and the Prachachon Party would like to confirm that we will definitely treat all parties fairly. From this case, we see that the executives of the Sa Kaeo Secondary
Educational Service Area Office and related officials must share responsibility for the negligence that has occurred. Therefore, we would like to call on the Secretary-General of the Office of the Basic Education Commission to take disciplinary action according to the procedure. In order for this incident to be the last time that it must not happen again, because this is an important examination, an examination into the civil service system, which must be done professionally, meticulously, carefully, fairly, and transparently, and can be audited, we have submitted this matter to the Education Committee of the House of Representatives to invite the Secretary-General of the Office of the Basic Education Commission and the executives of the Sa Kaeo Secondary Educational Service Area Office to provide clarification in order to jointly design a system for examining all types of teachers to be efficient, fair, transparent, and auditable.

Teacher Chuang also tweeted, ‘Regarding the investigation of teachers from th
e Sa Kaeo Secondary Educational Service Area Office, Teacher Benyapha, I spoke with Mr. James, the executive of the Foundation for Justice Restoration, who provided many useful additional information. I will take this to ask the executives of the Office of the Basic Education Commission when they come to clarify in the House of Representatives Education Committee.’

Source: Thai News Agency