“Thammanat” clearly separates from the Palang Pracharath Party, when they expel him, they will celebrate immediately.

Thammanat” said, “The glass is broken. It’s clear that the PPRP is separated. He laughed and mocked that when they expel him, we’ll celebrate immediately. He threatened, “My style, strong comes strong back. Whoever wants to invite me, please invite me.” He insisted that if he was still here, “Uncle Pom” wouldn’t have been hit this hard. It’s the “housewife’s” job to manage and keep things within the framework. He warned them to take good care of the remaining MPs’ lives.

Colonel Thammanat Prompao, MP for Phayao, Palang Pracharath Party, gave an interview about the work of MPs in the group with the Palang Pracharath Party, saying that it would be impossible. The glass is not cracked, it is already broken. Therefore, at this time, they are clearly separated. They sit in the parliament and are clearly separated. He also confirmed that he is not worried if the party has other measures and does not care because the rights of being an MP are protected by the constitution. He also said not to talk too much about t
he party regulations or people will get bored. Use them for the party. The highest penalty is expulsion. His group has been through a lot.

When asked again whether he would be expelled, Lt. Col. Thammanat said with a laugh, “Whenever I expel him, I will celebrate.” He insisted that he did not hate anyone, was not angry at anyone, and was his own person, especially his group. Many people were threatened in many matters. He said that it should stop and everyone went their separate ways. As for those who filed complaints at the Ministry of Agriculture, Lt. Col. Thammanat asked back, “Who filed the complaints? Go ahead.” He asked back, “Did they prohibit it? People should read the law, not just one article. And don’t get too political. If it benefits the people, please don’t obstruct or hinder them. I have lived my life to this day. I am not afraid of small things. Don’t threaten me. “If anyone comes back at me, if anyone comes back at me, I will come back in my usual style.”

As for his role in entering the min
istry, Colonel Thammanat said, “My house is flooded and my younger brother is a minister. Can I not go and have dinner with my younger brother? It’s too much. Don’t go overboard. Please tell everyone, including some media outlets.”

When asked if there was anything he wanted to say about General Prawit being accused of not attending parliamentary meetings, Colonel Thammanat said he had nothing to say, but he could say that if he were still here, General Prawit would not be attacked like this. We will take care of him and make sure he is within the legal framework of being an MP, not trying to please and lead General Prawit in the wrong direction. We have to listen to the reason why he left parliamentary meetings. He did not say anything about anyone. It is the housekeeper’s duty.

When asked if it was because the maid came to take care of him, Colonel Thammanat said that he did not know and did not want to criticize. He thought that he should treat the 20 people well and not let them escape again. He also emp
hasized that we talked about it and were not angry at anyone. As for whether the remaining Palang Pracharath MPs would cross over to this side or not, Colonel Thammanat said that he would not accept his side anyway. He had had enough of this already. Otherwise, people would think that he had done something to the other party again. He still insisted that being a politician, you have to see if you will survive in the future or not. Every politician wants to have a future.

When asked if this meant that people thought the Palang Pracharath Party would not survive, Colonel Thammanat said he did not know, and asked if he wanted a direct answer. He concluded by saying that he would go with another 8 people.

It was reported that Mr. Warathep Rattanakorn and Mr. Santi Promphat, members of the Palang Pracharath Party, are likely to be 2 of the 8 people who are preparing to leave General Prawit after there were rumors that they were in talks to prepare to change affiliations.

Source: Thai News Agency