The new Senate is preparing to propose a draft amendment to the Senate meeting regulations.

BKK,, The new Senate is preparing to propose a draft amendment to the Senate meeting regulations, reducing or dissolving the number of standing committees to 23, with each committee having 9-17 members, and no more than 3 subcommittees.

Today (28 July 67), reporters reported that the draft amendment to the Senate meeting regulations for 2019, which was proposed to be revised to be in line with the missions of the new 200 senators, drafted by Mr. Sorachat Wichaya Suwannaprom, a member of the Senate, has 4 main amendments: amending the number of components and powers and duties of the Senate committees, amending the powers and duties of the committees to be in line with the end of the country’s reform and national strategy, amending the number and powers and duties of the Senate special committees, and amending the number of Senate subcommittees and special subcommittees.

The content stipulates that there shall be 23 standing committees of the Senate, each consisting of not less than 9 but not more than 17 m
embers. The committees consist of:

1. Committee on Agriculture and

Cooperatives 2. Committee on Transportation

3. Committee on Economic, Financial, Fiscal and State Enterprises

4. Committee on Foreign Affairs

5. Committee on Military and State Security

6. Committee on Tourism and Sports

7. Committee on Local Government

8. Committee on State Administration

9. Committee on Energy

10. Committee on Political Development and Public Participation

11. Committee on Social Development and Children, Youth, Women, the Elderly, the Disabled and the Disadvantaged

12. Committee on Laws, Justice and Police

13. Committee on Labor

14. Committee on Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation

15. Committee on Information Technology, Communication and Telecommunications

16. Committee on Religion, Morality, Ethics, Arts and Culture

17. Committee on Education

18. Committee on Public Health

19. Committee on Independent Organizations under the Constitution and Monitoring of Budget Administration

20. Commit
tee on Natural Resources and Environment

21. Committee on Studying and Investigating Corruption and Promoting Good Governance

22. Committee on Commerce and Industry

23. Committee on Human Rights, Liberties and Consumer Protection

The number of committees has been reduced from the previous Senate by 3, which did not include the Committee on Poverty Alleviation and Inequality Reduction, which is now a special committee instead, and the Committee on Sports and Tourism has been merged into one, including the Committee on Budget Management Monitoring being merged with the Committee on Independent Organizations under the Constitution.

This is to coordinate with all Senate Standing Committees and senators regarding the consideration of the names of members or persons to be selected as Standing Committees or Special Committees in accordance with the regulations. Standing Committees and Special Committees may establish subcommittees of no more than three committees, with no more than 12 members per committee, to
consider issues within the duties and powers of the committees as assigned. Section 10, Missions on National Reform and National Strategy, shall be abolished.

At the same time, the Senate shall establish a special committee on poverty alleviation and inequality reduction, consisting of no less than 25 members. This number shall consist of no more than half of the total number of senators. The committee shall have the power and duty to consider and study the guidelines for enhancing opportunities, rights, abilities, access to resources, equality, participatory growth, access to welfare services for the people and communities in order to integrate poverty alleviation and social inequality reduction, including monitoring the implementation of the sufficiency economy philosophy in practice systematically and continuously in order to achieve the goal of sustainable development with the people at the center.

And to establish a special committee to study the amendment of the Constitution, consisting of not less th
an 25 people,

of which no more than half of the total number of committee members shall be persons who are not members of the Senate. It shall have the power and duty to study and analyze the provisions of the Constitution, the results of the enforcement of the Constitution, issues and guidelines for amending the Constitution, and to listen to public opinions in order to consider amending the Constitution in accordance with the democratic regime with the King as Head of State.

Source: Thai News Agency