The People’s Party announced its acceptance of the election results for Constituency 1, Phitsanulok.

The People’s Party announced its acceptance of the election results, congratulating ‘Jadet Chanthra’ on becoming an MP for Phitsanulok District 1, emphasizing that it will continue to work hard to push for change through area work, parliamentary work, and party building.

At the Harnnan Hotel, Mueang District, Phitsanulok Province, the Prachachon Party held a press conference after learning the unofficial results of the Phitsanulok Constituency 1 by-election, in which the Pheu Thai Party candidate, Mr. Jadet Chanthra, was the winner.

Mr. Natthanon Chanaburanasak, a candidate for MP of Phitsanulok District 1 from the Prachachon Party, expressed his congratulations to Mr. Jadet for winning the election and thanked all the people of Phitsanulok District 1 for coming out to exercise their rights, making this election a complete democracy. He also thanked everyone who voted for him to trust. Even though the trust he received may not have led to a victory in the election, it did not discourage him from continuing
to work.

From now on, even if it is someone who did not vote for me, but if there is any matter that is beneficial to the people of Phitsanulok District 1, I can be a voice or solve the problem, and I am happy to continue to serve the people of Phitsanulok District 1. No matter what the future election is, we will continue to emphasize our position of putting the benefits of the people first, doing our best every day, and continuing to campaign for ideas.

While Mr. Sarayut Jainlak, Secretary-General of the Prachachon Party, said that when the election is over, what the Prachachon Party must focus on again is party building work after the party building was interrupted since August 9. The party building work will start from next week onwards through a seminar for MPs and party networks in each province to plan and prepare for party building from now on.

After that, there will be training for party member representatives nationwide through various forums in every region. The activities will be held every wee
k starting from the last week of September onwards. After that, the process of electing party member representatives at the branch level, district party representatives, and sub-district party representatives will begin, which will begin this November.

Mr. Sarayut continued that our journey is to move forward to create a political party that truly belongs to the people. Changing the country takes time. To reach that destination, we need to build a strong party, which is a guarantee that we will create a better society for our children in the future.

Mr. Parit Wacharasindhu, spokesman for the Prachachon Party, stated that this is not the time to be discouraged. It is normal in a democracy to have winners and losers. The more intense the competition, the greater the benefits will be for the people. On this occasion, I would like to represent the party in congratulating Mr. Jadet once again and hope that Mr. Jadet will succeed in moving forward to improve the quality of life of the people of Phitsanulok Distri
ct 1.

The People’s Party accepts the election results and will continue working, confident that even though Mr. Natthanon may not have the opportunity to become a representative of Phitsanulok people today, Mr. Natthanon and his team in the area will continue working as they have always done before without holding the MP position.

Mr. Parit continued that for the future work, the People’s Party still has 143 MPs in the parliament and will continue to use the parliament’s mechanism to push for changes that benefit the people. The most important thing right now is the flood problem. Currently, many MPs from the People’s Party, especially in the disaster-stricken areas, are working hard to coordinate assistance for the people. If the People’s Party sees any issues that would be proposals for the government to work more comprehensively, whether it is helping additional areas at risk or providing relief to the people affected by the disaster, the People’s Party is ready to collect information and submit proposal
s for the government to help the people more directly.

In the near future, there will be many important laws, such as the draft of the Progressive Liquor Act, which will return to the parliament again, or the draft of the Trade Competition Act, which will solve the problem of the economic structure to be free, fair, and prevent monopoly. The Prachachon Party will continue to work through the parliamentary mechanism, including the committees and forums, to push for changes to the fullest extent.

‘Today is not a day for us to be discouraged or lose hope, but a day for us to accept the results and move forward to push for changes that we believe will benefit all citizens,’ said Prisht.

Source: Thai News Agency