The Prime Minister delivers consumer goods to Chiang Rai residents.

The Prime Minister delivered consumer goods and children’s clothes to the people of Chiang Rai, emphasizing that the mud must be removed as quickly as possible, pointing out that the people’s suffering is daily and hourly. He revealed that the first lump sum of compensation can be started immediately and that additional compensation criteria will be discussed.

Today (22 Sep 67) at 09.30 hrs., Ms. Paethongtarn Shinawatra, Prime Minister, along with Mr. Phumtham Vejjayachai, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, delivered consumer goods and cleaning equipment received from the private sector and various agencies under the project ‘Coordinating Power, Coordinating Hearts’ to deliver to the disaster victims in Chiang Rai Province by the Royal Thai Air Force aircraft (C130) at the Military Airport 2, Wing 6 (B.N.6), with General Thirayut Jinhiran, Commander of the Army Development Command, as the representative of the Supreme Commander to welcome them.

Reporters reported that Ms. Paethongtarn brought p
ersonal items to give to flood victims, including brooms, buckets, hoes, shovels, floor brushes, and baby clothes for Nong Thithar Suksawat and Nong Phrutthasin Suksawat.

The Prime Minister gave an interview to the press about donating baby clothes this time. He said that last weekend he had his children help choose which clothes were too small because when he went to Chiang Rai Province, he saw pregnant women and children running around, so he thought that baby clothes were in short supply. In addition, there were other necessities such as brooms and shovels.

Regarding the progress in removing mud from people’s homes, the Prime Minister assigned General Thirayut Jinhiran, Commander of the Army Development Command, to answer, saying that the mud removal situation will start from the main route first. Then, we will start driving vehicles into the area to go to each house because right now, the mud in each house is about 1-2 meters high. And it is necessary to clear the route first so that we can remove the m
ud from people’s homes.

The Prime Minister said that for the main drainage pipes, we are trying to clear them first because if the mud hardens, it will block everything and make it impossible to clean. As for the houses, officials have already gone in. Now, we have to divide the work among all sectors so that we know who is doing what and can distribute the assistance to everyone. In fact, we want it to be as fast as possible and we have to observe the work site. We do not want to promise how long, but we will do it as fast as possible because it is truly a problem. He also emphasized that the mud must be done quickly because if we wait, it will dry up and become harder to remove. However, we have not withdrawn our forces in the flooded areas yet. In case there is another storm, we will have assistance in both the northern and northeastern regions. In addition, we have been continuously holding meetings, such as the Center for Emergency Situation Administration (CEA), which has been set up, which meets every
day at 9:00 a.m., and I will attend the meeting next week.

The Prime Minister added that the Commander-in-Chief of the Royal Thai Armed Forces received 100 high-pressure water cannons from His Majesty the King and Her Majesty the Queen, which are very good machines, to help flood victims this time.

Mr. Phumtham said that the transportation of soil will be divided into zones. Whoever is responsible for which part can do it. Right now, we have the forces of the Highways Department, the Army Development Department, the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, and also the Department of Corrections, including various volunteers who have come to help. The central office has also replenished the equipment to help. In addition, in terms of garbage disposal, the army in Chiang Rai Province has gone to dig up 1-2 rai of land. In addition, there is another 20 rai of land belonging to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to bury the garbage and mud.

When asked about the cut-off road on the mount
ain, has it been fixed yet? Ms. Paethongtarn said that officials have been dispatched to do so.

The Prime Minister talked about the compensation, saying that before this, we had received compensation of more than 200,000 baht, so we have to reconsider the details again. But initially, the compensation must be received according to the first criteria first. Then, we will reconsider the new criteria again because we don’t want to wait for all at once, which will cause villagers to not get money to repair their houses. Some have already started doing this, while some are still waiting for the detailed survey to come back. If there is confirmation, the payment can be made immediately.

Mr. Phumtham added that an initial assessment of the extent of the damage has been made, using the original criteria for payment. As for the new criteria, the Center for Disaster Relief Operations, Windstorms and Landslides (CDROP) is currently discussing the adjustment of the criteria and increasing the compensation. On Tuesday,
there will be a meeting with governors nationwide to ensure an understanding of the compensation payment criteria.

The Prime Minister reiterated that the first criteria has already been surveyed for damages since last week. The money will be divided into two tranches. The first tranche is the old criteria, which will be gradually paid to the villagers. The second tranche will be the new criteria that the NCPO is considering. If we have to wait for the new framework, the money will not reach the villagers. Right now, what is emphasized is speed because the suffering is counted by the day and hour. Therefore, we want to push all measures as quickly as possible, including assistance in other areas to alleviate the suffering as quickly as possible. As for the new criteria, we ask that they be clearer first because we have not talked to other related parties yet. There will be a meeting on this matter this Monday.

As for economic stimulus in disaster areas, before the initial economic stimulus, there was a discu
ssion with Mr. Pichai Naripthaphan, Minister of Commerce, asking for the price of goods to be fixed because there is no crisis and the price of goods will immediately increase. The villagers cannot handle it. As for economic stimulus, there are plans, including tourism and many other plans that have been discussed, but for now, we ask for assistance and compensation to be completed first.

The reporter asked that some private companies are now taking advantage of the opportunity to increase the price of soil transportation. What will be emphasized about this? The Prime Minister said that we are not talking to the private companies about their business, but we have brought our private companies to help fully. This matter may not be under the care of the government and this matter must be discussed separately. However, I would like to inform that anyone who wants to help the people of Chiang Rai in terms of digging soil, water, and cleaning, and anyone who has a volunteer spirit can join us because we currently
have a lot of equipment and tools. As for anyone’s business, we will not interfere because it is considered a separate matter. However, if anyone wants to volunteer, we are happy and ready to accept them.

Mr. Phumtham said that we have organized government agencies and private companies that are ready to take action on the mudslide issue, which must be resolved quickly.

The Prime Minister added that today we have sent dry food, but there are still kitchens in the area to prepare food. As for the dry food, it can still be stored, which will be the cost of recovery in the future. He thanked all sectors that donated things.v

Source: Thai News Agency