The Secretary of the House of Representatives revealed that “Big Pom” sends a leave letter every time. Claiming to be attached to the mission

The Secretary of the National Assembly confirmed that “Big Pom” sends a leave of absence every time. Tell the reason for the mission. Pointing out that the public can only check the preliminary information, he reiterated that the MP can leave no more than 1/4 of the meeting if the absence of the meeting affects the membership.

Police Lieutenant General Apat Sukanan, Secretary General of the House of Representatives, said: Doubts about General Prawit Wongsuwan’s non-attendance at the council meeting The list of MPs and the leader of the People’s Power Party said that according to the Constitution, the SSP They can take leave from the meeting for no more than 1/4 of the meeting day. Therefore, during the 120-day session, it is necessary to calculate how many council meetings there are. So that it does not exceed 1/4. If there is a shortage of more than 1/4, it is considered a shortage, but in practice we have a regulation for signing up for meetings and leaving the meeting. There is a form that can be submitt
ed for leave of absence. Before the meeting date and within 7 days after the meeting date, at the discretion of the Speaker of the House of Representatives. In the past, the Chairman has assigned Mr. Pichet Chaemuang Phan. The second Vice Chairman of the Council authorizes the meeting, and when the amount is received at each time, the total amount will be made to report to the Chairman of the Council to know how many members have left, and if the leave is approved by the Chairman, it will not be considered as an absence from the meeting, even if it exceeds 1/4 of the meeting day.

As for the case of General Prawit, who was submitted for an ethics examination in this matter, Police Lieutenant Tri Apat said that it was the part that the Ethics Investigation Committee considered. When I asked the officer in charge of this matter, I learned that General Prawit had submitted a leave of absence. At the time of not coming to the meeting every time, stating the reason that there is a mission, and Mr. Pichet will cons
ider granting permission, which has evidence of General Pravit’s leave.

When asked if anyone still has a problem now. Regarding the leave of the meeting, Police Lieutenant Tri Apat said that there is not yet because most of the members will submit their leave before and after the meeting. They can request it from the Information Group because it is considered public information, but they will not be able to know the reason for the absence of the SS because it is personal information. In addition, there is a website of the office. The Secretary General of the House of Representatives can also ask for information about the leave of members.

Source: Thai News Agency