Traffic accidents down in first four months

There were 3,159 traffic accidents nationwide from December 15 – April 14, claiming the lives of 1,895 people and injuring 2,154 others, reported the Office of the National Traffic Safety Committee.

Compared to the same period last year, the number of accidents, fatalities and the injured was down 17.33%, 17.68% and 10.66%, respectively.

On the nation’s roads, 3,122 accident cases claimed 1,869 lives and left 2,148 others injured, representing respective decreases of 17.41%, 16.82% and 10.61%.

Meanwhile, 28 railway accidents killed 18 people and injured six others. Year-on-year, the number of cases and fatalities rose by 12% and 5.88%, respectively, while that of the injured decreased by 14.29%.

Six accidents happened on waterways, down eight cases, and three on marine routes, up one case, taking eight lives in total, down 30 deaths from the same period last year.

In April alone, two waterway accidents killed two persons which remained unchanged annually.

In aviation, one accident at A-level was recorded, involving a BELL 505 helicopter which crashed while carrying tourists over the water near Gia Luan commune, Cat Hai district, the northern port city of Hai Phong. It resulted in the death of one pilot and four passengers. The investigation is now underway./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency