Transport Minister Suriya Targets Shared Buses for Contributing to Mo Chit Garbage Issue

BANGKOK: In a recent statement, Deputy Prime Minister and Transport Minister Suriya Juangroongruangkit acknowledged that shared buses are partly to blame for the ongoing garbage problem at Mo Chit Bus Terminal. He expressed concerns about the persistent issue and revealed plans to potentially exclude these buses from the shared service system if the problem continues.

According to Thai News Agency, Suriya was responding to concerns raised by Suphanat Meenchainan, an MP from the Prachachon Party, regarding the accumulation of garbage at the terminal, which is managed by the State Railway of Thailand (SRT). Despite being the property’s owner, SRT has shown a lack of interest in maintaining cleanliness, prompting Suriya to order immediate cleanup actions, which were carried out on the evening of October 14.

The Minister highlighted that the shared service vehicles have been used to dispose of garbage at the site, contributing to the uncleanliness. In response to questions about continuous neglect by official
s, Suriya stated that if the misuse of shared service vehicles persists, the Department of Land Transport might be directed not to include these vehicles in the system anymore.

Furthermore, Suriya announced plans for a meeting with both the Department of Land Transport and the State Railway of Thailand to discuss a lasting solution to the garbage issue at Mo Chit. The goal is to ensure that both entities work together to enforce regulations and maintain the cleanliness of the bus terminal.