UNDIP Maintains Employee Health Conditions With POSBINDU PTM

“Diponegoro University is committed to implementing a Healthy Campus which is a national program from the Ministry of Health where Undip was chosen to be a national level pilot in implementing a Healthy Campus. The Undip Health Campus team has also participated in joint training with the Semarang City Health Office and Rowosari Health Center. As for the Integrated Non-Communicable Diseases Guidance Post or POSBINDU PTM, this is one of Undip’s Healthy Campus programs, the Chancellor is also very supportive of this program. The examination includes blood pressure, blood sugar, abdominal circumference, height, and weight to calculate Body Mass Index and it is a screening .the initial health condition of Undip employees,” said Bina Kurniawan, S.KM., M.Kes. as the Head of the Undip Healthy Campus Team at the Undip PTM POSBINDU event at the UPT Office for Occupational Safety, Health and Environment (24/3).

He further said that with this POSBINDU, you can see a picture of the health condition of Undip employees, where the results will be recapitulated and graphed, for example this month many employees are indicated to have high blood sugar, this is a warning and must be analyzed and consulted with a doctor. The purpose of screening in addition to early detection tests is to monitor or monitor PTM risk factors. Undip’s Healthy Campus activities will also be reported to the Ministry of Health and then the Ministry of Health will see the development of the Healthy Campus pilot program.

“We are collaborating with the Health Office, Puskesmas, UKM KSR FKM and KSR Undip to be directly involved in the implementation of this activity. The examination is intended to see the initial condition of Undip employees. It is hoped that in the future, in addition to collaborating with the Rowosari Health Center, we can cooperate with the RSND or the Pratama Clinic as a follow-up if it is found that the employee has a high initial screening condition , such as blood sugar or blood pressure. If it is found to be abnormal, we will suggest that it be referred to the service of the hospital that is subscribed to or BPJS,” he continued.

“In order to support the Healthy Campus program, employees are expected to take part in health screenings to know their health conditions or detect early potential health problems or certain diseases in someone,” he said. (Lin-Humas)


Source: Universitas Diponegoro

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