Warning about a lottery gang that scammed a 68-year-old grandmother out of money

Lampang, Social warning: A 68-year-old grandmother was tricked by a lottery gang who conspired to trick her into buying a first prize lottery ticket, resulting in her losing almost 600,000 baht. The latest update is that one person has been arrested, leaving two more masterminds.

Reporters went to a house in Ngao District, Lampang Province, to talk to a 68-year-old grandmother after she was scammed by a lottery gang, losing 580,000 baht in money and assets. The grandmother took the reporters to the front of the house where the perpetrator, a 50-60 year-old man, drove a white car to meet her. Then, the elderly man wearing a patterned shirt and a mask walked in to talk to the grandmother in front of the house. The incident was recorded in full on CCTV footage.

The grandmother also provided information that 3-4 months ago, the group of men contacted her to buy the land, claiming that they were retired teachers who wanted to buy land to raise cows. At that time, she was about to sell the land, so she rode a mo
torcycle to take the group of people to see the boundary of her land at the end of the village. But along the way, she saw a 30-year-old woman sitting and crying on the side of the road, so she stopped her car and went to ask the woman. She claimed that she was a Burmese national who had gotten separated from the 12 friends who came with her. The woman who came with the elderly man tried to search the Burmese woman’s bag and asked for her ID card, but the Burmese woman said that she did not have one. While searching her bag, she found a lottery ticket and 200-300 baht. Then the Burmese woman said that she had won the first prize in the lottery but could not cash it because she did not have an ID card. The perpetrators claimed that they had a lottery ticket. When he checked the lottery ticket, he said that she had won the first prize and had won 6 million baht. The Burmese woman said that he would sell the lottery ticket for 2 million baht. The perpetrators said that he only had 700,000 baht, which was not eno
ugh. Then everyone asked the grandmother if she had any money. If there is any, we will each share half and will divide the money into 3 million baht.

At first, the grandmother hesitated, but when the perpetrators tried to persuade her in various ways and wanted to get a share of the 3 million baht, she decided to return home before selling the 500,000 baht BAAC lottery ticket she had bought. The perpetrators drove her there. After withdrawing the money, the perpetrators said that they did not have enough money. The grandmother returned home to give the 2-baht gold necklace to the perpetrators. The perpetrators also made an appointment to go to Chiang Mai to claim the prize the next day. The perpetrators gave the grandmother the lottery ticket. Because she was careless and thought that she would get 3 million baht, she did not check the lottery carefully. The next morning, she waited for the perpetrators to come and claim the money in Chiang Mai. But when she checked the lottery ticket again, she realized th
at she had been tricked. So she reported it to the Ngao Police Station on March 20, 2024.

The latest update was 2 days ago when the police were able to arrest one of the women involved in the gang. There are still 2 men who are still at large. They would like to ask the perpetrators to return the money because it is money that they have saved their whole lives. Now they have no money left. They are very stressed and do not dare tell their children. The police at Ngao Police Station have shown the image of the perpetrator to reporters. If you see the man, please be careful or report any information to Ngao Police Station.

Source: Thai News Agency