“Wisut” waits for party leader to finish discussing the issue of amending the constitution first.

Wisut” waits for party leaders to discuss the issue of amending the constitution to be finished first, whether to move forward or backward, still cannot answer whether it is modern for this parliament meeting or not. As for opening a special session, must wait for the government to propose.

Wisut Chainarun, Pheu Thai Party list MP and chairman of the government coalition coordination committee (government whip), said about the discussion between party leaders and core members about the constitutional amendment that will take place next week that it is a matter for the party leaders to discuss first about which way to go, how to move forward or backward. The government whip is not involved in coordinating the discussion. We have to wait for the higher-ups to talk first so that the lower levels can work together.

As for the case of closing the first regular session of the parliament on October 31, 2024, will the amendment of the constitution not be considered in time for this session? Mr. Wisut said that it
depends on the discussion of the party leaders. If an agreement is reached, but if they have not discussed it yet, they will have to wait first because there is a referendum law and many other things to discuss until it is complete and understood by society so that it can be finished.

In this case, will a special session be opened to consider any issues? Mr. Wisut said that normally it depends on the government’s proposal.

Source: Thai News Agency