Month: August 2022

Need to improve pilgrim preparation for next year’s Hajj: Qoumas

Religious Affairs Minister Yaqut Cholil Qoumas has highlighted the need for addressing some issues that occurred during this year’s Hajj to improve next year’s organization of the annual Islamic pilgrimage.For one, Hajj pilgrims lacked an understanding…

JakLingko reviews integrated transportation fare to include KRL

The Jakarta city-owned public transportation enterprise (BUMD), PT JakLingko Indonesia, reviewed the scheme for commuter line (KRL) to join other modes of mass transportation in the implementation of the integrated transportation fare.”In the review, t…

Indonesia managed to maintain growth, control inflation: Jokowi

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has said he is convinced that despite the ongoing global uncertainty, Indonesia has fared better in terms of maintaining economic growth and controlling inflation, especially compared to the United States.At a gathering a…

IKM will make adjustments when fuel becomes dearer: ministry

Small and medium industries (IKM) will make adjustments when the price of fuel (BBM) increases, Director General of Small, Medium, and Miscellaneous Industries at the Ministry of Industry Reni Yunita has informed.”Surely IKM will make adjustments in li…

Police confirms 10 people killed in traffic accident in Bekasi

The Greater Jakarta Police’s Traffic Directorate confirmed that 10 people had died in a traffic accident involving a trailer truck at the Sultan Agung Road, Bekasi, West Java, on Wednesday.”The total number of victims is 30 people, and 10 people are ki…