Day: May 23, 2023

Thai stocks closed in the morning, minus 3.23 points.

The Stock Exchange of Thailand Closed this morning at 1,526.01 points, down 3.23 points (-0.21%), trading value 25,413 million baht.The SET closed this morning at 1,526.01 points, down 3.23 points (-0.21%), trading value at 25,413 million baht. Reveal…

“Pita” travels to listen to private sector proposals

Party Leader and Prime Minister Candidate of the Kao Klai Party. Meeting with the President of the Federation of Thai Industries (FTI) to listen to private sector proposals . – Thai News AgencySource: Thai News Agency

Indonesia, Japan ink 5 MoUs, 24 LoIs on IKN development

Jakarta (ANTARA) – Indonesia and Japan have signed five memoranda of understanding (MoUs) and 24 letters of intent (LoIs) on the development of the new Indonesian capital (IKN)Nusantara, the State Capital Authority (OIKN) has informed.”Nusantara curre…

Minister instructs regional heads to handle potential land fires

Management of forest and land fires cannot be done partially or with sectoral egos, as disasters often occur beyond provincial and district and city administrative boundaries Jakarta (ANTARA) – Home Affairs Minister Muhammad Tito Karnavianhas instruct…

Government readies two KKHI for Hajj pilgrims in Madina, Mecca

Medina, Saudi Arabia (ANTARA) – The Indonesian government has prepared two Indonesian Hajj Health Service (KKHI) located in Medina and Mecca to accommodate Indonesian Hajj pilgrims’ needs for health services.”KKHI Mecca is located in a strategic locat…