Day: November 29, 2023

Malaysia to set up permanent disaster relief centres

In order to minimise damage caused by annual floods, Malaysian Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim has said that permanent disaster relief centres (PPKB) will be established immediately, with the pilot project to begin in nine states in the country.


New businesses still on the rise in November

As many as 14,267 new businesses with a total registered capital of almost 153.6 trillion VND (6.3 billion USD) were established in November, respectively rising 19.5% and 47% year on year, said the Business Registration Management Agency under the M…

November’s CPI grows 3.45%

The consumer price index (CPI) for November has gone up by 0.25% compared to the previous month and 3.45% to the same period last year, announced the General Statistics Office (GSO) on November 29.

The reasons behind the higher CPI include some loca…

Vietnam expands cooperation in monitoring acid deposition

Vietnam has developed a system of hydrometeorological and environmental monitoring stations across the country, including monitoring acid deposition, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Le Cong Thanh said at the 25th session of the I…