Attorney General urges officials to oversee village fund use

Attorney General Sanitiar Burhanuddin instructed officials of the Attorney General’s Office to oversee and educate the village apparatus in implementing programs covered by the village fund.

“Village apparatus must not be imprisoned because of their ignorance (to prevailing laws). Hence, provide them with information about accountability on the village fund management to suppress corruption among them,” Burhanuddin noted, as per the statement here, Sunday (February 19).

Burhanuddin also pressed for the resumption of the Jaga Desa program, under which attorneys are mobilized to villages to educate and benefit the people.

Meanwhile, Burhanuddin instructed heads of higher prosecutor’s offices and officials to be more prudent in making decisions and follow up on public complaints as well as consider deadlines in handling cases to ensure legal clarity and realize a prompt, simple, and affordable judiciary process for the people.

Higher prosecutor’s office heads must also prioritize preventive measures in handling cases related to abuse of village funds perpetrated by village apparatus and making punishment through the judiciary process only as the final avenue or ultimum remedium.

Government internal monitoring officers and law enforcers must also be involved in following up reports on financial abuse of the village fund received by the Attorney General’s Office without negating each agency’s respective functions and authorities, he emphasized.

Moreover, the attorney general called on attorneys to be active in overseeing the documentation of land registration at the village level, as deficiencies in the documentation process will make the region vulnerable to threats from land mafias.

Burhanuddin also urged working units in regions to explore legal issues that emerged in villages that could serve as case studies in future and help village authorities to improve the administration of village fund accountability reports to make the process simpler.

Source: Antara News