Banda Aceh: USK Students Participate in Disaster Drill for Enhanced Response Skills

Banda Aceh, Aceh (ANTARA) – In a proactive move to bolster disaster preparedness, several hundred students from Syiah Kuala University (USK) in Banda Aceh City engaged in a disaster simulation drill on Sunday. This exercise, organized to commemorate World Tsunami Awareness Day 2023, is a key component of the university’s strategy to enhance response capabilities and minimize casualties in natural disasters.

According to Antara News Agency, the drill aimed to train students in critical disaster preparedness and response techniques. These include managing logistics, handling victims, and implementing emergency procedures effectively in the wake of natural disasters.

Dean of USK’s Faculty of Medicine, Professor Maimun Syukri, emphasized the vital role of health workers during disasters. He noted that the drill familiarized participants with essential aspects of disaster victim management and treatment. Students from various faculties, including medicine, dentistry, nursing, and pharmacy, participated in the drill. They received practical training in evacuating and assisting injured victims.

Highlighting the broader context of disaster prevention and mitigation, Head of the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysics Agency (BMKG), Dwikorita Karnawati, has previously underscored the significance of acquiring knowledge and practical skills in disaster preparedness.

This initiative by USK aligns with broader efforts to strengthen community resilience and readiness for natural disasters, particularly in regions prone to such emergencies.