Cambodia’s ruling party forms coalition with 27 political parties

Phnom Penh: The Cambodian People’s Party (CPP) signed a cooperation and alliance agreement with 27 other political parties at the CPP’s headquarters in Phnom Penh capital city on October 25.

The agreement was inked by CPP President Samdech Techo Hun Sen and representatives of the 27 political parties, aiming to strengthen national solidarity.

Under the agreement, political parties commit to preserving peace, political stability, security, and social order; ensuring sustainable socio-economic development and improving people’s lives; and joining hands to prevent and eliminate every form of extremist political acts in this Southeast Asian country.

Of the 27 parties that signed the agreement with the CPP, about 50% have candidates participating in July’s general election such as the Cambodian Nationality Party (CNP), the Khmer Economic Development (KEDP), the Cambodian Youth Party (CYP), and the Women’s Party for Women (WPFW).

Earlier on October 11, four political parties, namely the Candlelight Party, the Khmer Will Party, the Grassroots Democratic Party, and the Cambodia Reform Party, formed a coalition entitled “the Alliance Towards the Future”./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency