Chiang Mai returns to normal, many areas begin big cleaning

This morning in Chiang Mai, the water level of the Ping River has continued to drop. The latest drop is below the bank at 3.78 meters, so there is no flooding. All routes are open, especially in the business districts, hotels, and schools, which are starting to return to normal. Today, many areas have begun a big cleaning.

Regina Coeli College was one of the schools hit hardest, with floodwaters almost 2 meters high. Teachers said it was higher than in previous years. Teachers, students and school staff are doing a big cleaning.

Similarly, schools located on Charoen Prathet Road have been severely affected by flooding, as they are the first areas to receive water from the Ping River that has overflowed its banks for 4 days, such as Phra Hrudai School and Montford Elementary School, which have mobilized staff and students to help with a big cleaning today.

While areas where the floodwaters were almost 2 meters high, such as in Pa Phrao Nok community, many households have also started cleaning after the wat
er level dropped below the bank. In the area of ??the Provincial Police Region 5 headquarters and the police flats next to the Ping River, the water level has returned to normal, but the area is still full of mud on the roads and parking lots, causing damage, especially for cars and motorcycles, which are covered in water and mud. All parties are cleaning the floors, using water trucks from the local government organization to help spray and wash, but it is expected that it will take a week to completely wash away all the mud. As for the police wives, they have cooked food to feed the personnel affected by the floods every day, and the public has continuously brought boxed meals and drinking water to help.

In the area of ??Wiang Kum Kam, an ancient underground city where the Ping River overflowed its banks, the water has now returned to normal, but the ancient site is still flooded. Villagers and monks have helped prepare food to distribute to villagers to alleviate their suffering.

Due to the Ping River si
tuation that has been continuously decreasing, today all traffic routes in Chiang Mai city are open. The commercial and economic area of ??the Night Bazaar Hotel is starting to return to normal today. Only the basement floor is still flooded and waiting for water to be pumped out and restored.

Although the Ping River’s water level has dropped to 3, which is only a little bit away from the critical level of 3 meters 70 centimeters, and although many areas have started doing some big cleaning today, there are still areas downstream that are still flooded and still need to travel by boat, and there is a risk that the water level will rise if it rains.

Source: Thai News Agency