Door-to-door vaccinations are part of efforts to expedite inoculation

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has stated that door-to-door vaccinations for people in Aceh Province were part of the efforts to expedite the national vaccination campaign.

“Today, I am in Aceh along with the chief of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) to ensure that the door-to-door vaccination activities are accelerated,” Jokowi remarked while reviewing door-to-door vaccinations at Lambroe Bileu Village, Kuta Baro Sub-district, Aceh Besar District, on Thursday.

The head of state noted that door-to-door vaccinations were part of the efforts to provide direct inoculation services to the people of Aceh.

“Vaccination is one of the keys to stemming the spread of COVID-19. We hope that by accelerating vaccination, we can contain the spread (of COVID-19),” he stated.

With increasingly more number of people receiving the COVID-19 vaccination, the nation is expected to be well-protected against COVID-19, he noted.

Some 72 thousand people, including 42 students and Islamic boarding school students in Aceh, were vaccinated on Thursday.

In the course of the visit to Aceh, Jokowi also held a dialog with local residents and distributed books among children in the village.

Shortly after reviewing the vaccination of people in Lambroe Bileu, President Jokowi and his entourage observed the vaccination of students of the Istiqamatuddin Darul Mu’arrif Islamic boarding school.


Source: Antara News