Earthquake activities rise in November: BMKG

Earthquake activities in Indonesia increased in November compared to October this year, according to the Meteorology, Climatology, and Geophysical Agency (BMKG).

“BMKG’s monitoring result shows that throughout November 2021, there were 980 earthquake activities in Indonesia with varying levels of magnitude and depth,” BMKG’s earthquake and tsunami mitigation coordinator, Daryono, noted in a statement issued here on Friday.

There was an increase in earthquake activities compared to October, when 844 quakes were recorded, he said.

The quake activities in November were dominated by small earthquakes of less than 5.0 magnitude and they happened 969 times, he explained. Meanwhile, in October, the number of small earthquakes was 831, he added.

“Significant earthquakes with a magnitude of above 5.0 occurred 11 times, which was less frequent than in October, when they occurred 13 times,” he informed.

Active earthquake zones were located in 10 seismic clusters in November 2021, he said.

They were Aceh-Nias, Bengkulu-Lampung-Sunda Strait, South Banten-West Java, South Yogyakarta-East Java, Lombok-Bima-Sumba, Sigi-East Luwu, South-North Minahasa, Maluku Sea, Ambon-Seram, and North Papua, he added.

Meanwhile, there were 49 earthquakes that were strong enough for the public to feel, a decline compared to October, when they were recorded at 71, the official said.

He also highlighted that throughout November destructive earthquake incidents only occurred once. The quake was reported in Wahai, North Seram, Central Maluku, he informed.

The 5.7-magnitude earthquake that struck on November 4, 2021, was centered on a beach 16 km west off Wahai and it destroyed more than 26 buildings, he added.

BMKG has forecast that there will be an increase in extreme weather events in the next week in several regions in Indonesia.

According to the agency, several provinces will experience an increase in the growth of rain clouds triggered by extreme weather and atmospheric wave phenomena.


Source: Antara News

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