Election Commission explains ‘Dr. Kes” petition is awaiting investigation team to proceed

Saewang’ points out that the petition of ‘Dr. Kes’ is waiting for the investigation department to proceed. As for ‘Somchai Lenglak’, the Election Commission is about to submit a request to resign from the Senate, waiting for legal consideration first.

Today (28 September), Mr. Saeng Boonmee, Secretary-General of the Election Commission (EC), gave an interview about the petition to examine the qualifications of Dr. Kesakamol Pliansamai as a senator, saying that the EC has been expediting it every week because, to be honest, the people have gone looking for new issues until they have forgotten about this case. Even though people who read the law may think that it has been dropped, the process is still going on. For example, in the case of an MP, if you are in the parliament, no one can say that you will be removed from office. It must be the Constitutional Court, which is a process that provides fairness to all parties in proving these matters. Sometimes we have to be patient with these matters. If the matter
has not reached the EC committee, it means that the matter has not yet ended. This matter is under the authority of the investigation officers. If they have not finished their work, they still cannot submit it to the EC for consideration.

In the case of Mr. Somchai Lenglak, whose right to run for election has been revoked by the Supreme Court for 10 years, will the EC submit a request to the Constitutional Court to rule on whether to remove him from office? Mr. Sa-wang said that on the day Mr. Somchai applied to be selected as a senator, he was fully qualified. However, after the Supreme Court made a decision, it fell under Section 82 of the Constitution, which means that members submit a petition to the President of the National Assembly or the EC has its own opinion and submits it to the Constitutional Court to rule on whether their membership as a senator has ended. Or will it be submitted according to Section 63 of the Organic Act on the Acquisition of Senators, which states that if they do not have the
qualifications or have characteristics that prohibit them from being a senator, the EC can submit the matter to the Constitutional Court to rule on whether Mr. Somchai’s membership as a senator has ended? It is necessary to consider the legal aspects to decide which path to take in order to be thorough. He has already had his legal office submit the matter to the EC.

Source: Thai News Agency