Elementary school teachers foundation for education: Ministry

Elementary school teachers have an essential role as the foundation for enhancing the quality of education to the next level, according to an official from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology.

“Primary education, especially in this case, elementary school teachers, is the foundation for learning and how the quality of education is for the next level,” the ministry’s Director for Elementary Education Teachers, Rachmadi Widdiharto, stated during an online discussion on Tuesday.

To this end, at the “Perpusdikbudristek Talk: Profiles of Future Elementary School Teachers” event, Widdiharto remarked that the ministry is optimistic that elementary school teachers would oversee their students’ playtime while starting to introduce basic skills of literacy, numeracy, and life skills, as well as building good character.

In addition, he noted that elementary school teachers are expected to implement self-directed learning (SDL), multi-resource learning, technology-based learning, and learning methods that can stimulate the students’ mindsets to develop.

“In conducting learning, teachers must also consider the character of our students, who, in fact, like to play, sing, move, compete, and imagine, in accordance with their generation, namely the Alpha generation, which is familiar with ICT (information and communications technology) yet still have low self-control,” he remarked.

To this end, he said teachers should be adaptive, creative, patient, compassionate, and cheerful, so that they can optimally support children’s growth and development.

He further emphasized that teachers should also understand the Independent Curriculum that leads to the Pancasila student profile strengthening project (P5).

Thus, he emphasized that teachers should be open-minded and be able to see various perspectives, so that they can integrate various subjects into one topic or theme.

“Once again, because this is primary education, we expect them to become the foundation for quality education in the next levels,” he said.


Source: Antara News