Geographical indication can help salt farmers to market products

Geographical indication (GI) certification for traditional salt products will support salt farmers’ marketing efforts, head of the Bali Regional Research and Innovation Agency I Made Gunaja has said.

“The existence of geographical indication will give certainty to salt farmers, that the salt they produce is through traditional methods, and it will facilitate the marketing process,” he explained here on Tuesday.

According to Gunaja, efforts to market traditional Balinese salts were previously hindered by the requirement for iodine content of above 30 ppm in salt products.

“Meanwhile, Bali traditional salts did not reach the standard. So this regulation hindered their marketing,” he said.

Hence, with the geographical indication certificates issued by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, it is expected that traditional Balinese salt products can enter modern markets, he added.

Two local Balinese salt producers have obtained geographical indication certificates from the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, he said adding, one is located in Amed, Karangasem district, and the second in Kusamba, Klungkung district.

The Bali provincial government has bolstered GI registration because it will allow Balinese salt producers to obtain a distribution permit from the National Agency of Drug and Food Control (BPOM), Gunaja said. The products can then be sold in markets, hotels, and restaurants, he added.

Meanwhile, local salt producers in Baturingit in Karangasem, Les village in Buleleng, and Gumbrih village in Jembrana are in the process of obtaining GI certification, he said.

Furthermore, the procurement of production tools for making Balinese salts, such as troughs, has been proposed by the Marine and Fisheries Office in 2022, he noted.

With these troughs, the unique taste of Kusamba salt can be maintained, according to Kertayasa, a member of Kusamba Sarining Segara Salt Farmers Association.


Source: Antara News

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