Govt discusses publisher rights regulation with relevant stakeholders

Jakarta (ANTARA) – Director general of public communication and information at the Ministry of Communication and Information, Usman Kansong,said that the government has discussed the formulation of a publisher rights regulation with the relevant stakeholders.The government is currently formulating rules of cooperation between mass media and digital platforms, which will later be issued via a publisher rights presidential decree (Perpres). The rules include a requirement on online platforms to carefully pick news content that complies with journalism ethics and standards. During a discussion in Jakarta on Saturday, Kansong said that the government “has tried to find common ground” with various parties, including digital platforms. However, they said that they did not yet have an algorithm to carry out such news selection and did not consider this to be a part of their duties. fter the discussion, they finally agreed to an article in the draft presidential decree, which states that platforms will not distribute news content that is not in accordance with the journalistic code of ethics, Kansong informed.

Source: Antara News Agency