Hoping MinyakKita oil to be made available across nation: association

The Indonesian Market Traders Association (IKAPPI) has expressed the hope that bulk cooking oil of Minyak Kita brand, which costs Rp14 thousand per liter, would be distributed throughout Indonesia.

“IKAPPI welcomes the existence of this Minyak Kita program, but honestly, we have doubts if the main problem is not resolved,” IKAPPI deputy secretary general Ahmad Choirul Furqon said here on Thursday.

According to Furqon, the main problem contributing to the high price of food commodities in Indonesia is the high cost of distribution from one region to another. Therefore, he said his association hopes that the Minyak Kita cooking oil would be uniformly distributed throughout the regions.

The Ministry of Trade earlier launched the Minyak Kita packaged bulk cooking oil priced at Rp14 thousand per liter as part of an effort by the government to distribute simply packaged cooking oil obtained under domestic market obligations (DMO).

Simple packaging of bulk cooking oil could make it easier for people to access oil, Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan said. The simple packaging could also help to evenly distribute cooking oil across Indonesia, he added.

“We are trying to overcome the distribution problem through this simple packaged cooking oil. Our hope is that cooking oil can be distributed properly, especially to secluded areas. With Minyak Kita, we are optimistic that people can get DMO cooking oil that is in accordance with the highest retail price (HET),” Hasan explained.

Minyak Kita is a trademark owned by the Trade Ministry. It has been registered with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights with the brand certificate number IDM00203152. The Minyak Kita brand can be used by cooking oil manufacturers or packaging companies with a license of four years, and the license to use the trademark can be extended.

Minyak Kita is expected to enter roadside stalls, traditional markets, minimarkets, and even supermarkets, Hasan remarked at the launch of Minyak Kita on Wednesday.

Source: Antara News