Indonesia continues to push vaccinations for people with disabilities

Indonesia is continuing to carry out various measures to encourage people with disabilities to get vaccinated and has made them one of the priority targets of the national immunization program, the government’s COVID-19 spokesperson, Reisa Broto Asmoro, said at a virtual press conference on Friday.

“Since the beginning of this year, the government has included people with disabilities into the COVID-19 vaccination priority (group) within the vulnerable group,” she noted.

A vulnerable group is one that needs to be protected because it is at a higher risk of contracting severe disease, she explained.

The Health Ministry has estimated that there are 562,242 people with disabilities who have been included in the list of targeted recipients of the COVID-19 vaccination program in Indonesia.

According to the Ministry’s data, as of December 3, 2021, of the targeted 141,211,181 people in the vulnerable and general group, 82,096,625 people have received their first vaccine dose.

Meanwhile, 51,585,486 people have been administered the second dose.

Several steps have been carried out to support vaccinations of people with disabilities, Asmoro noted.

Specifically, the issuance of the Health Ministry’s Circular Letter No. HK.02.01/MENKES/598/2021 on Accelerating COVID-19 Vaccination for the Elderly, People with Disabilities, Educators, and Education Workers, she said.

The circular states how people with disabilities must be served in every health facility and not be limited to the domicile written on their identity card (KTP), she informed.

All parties should collaborate to encourage vaccinations of people with disabilities and the elderly, Asmoro asserted.

One way to realize this collaboration is by mobilizing transportation to take them to a health service center where the vaccination is being carried out and then bring them home, she said.

The ministry has also issued Circular Letter No. HK.02.02/III/15242/2021 on COVID-19 Vaccination for Vulnerable Group and Others Who Do Not Yet Have NIK (citizen identity card numbers), she noted.

“The circular letter that is addressed to all provincial, district, and city Health Service heads emphasizes that all government officials should maintain high spirit in keeping all of Indonesia protected from COVID-19 exposure,” Asmoro said.


Source: Antara News

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