Indonesia Seeks German Support for OECD Membership

Jakarta, Indonesia – Indonesia is actively pursuing support from Germany for its accession to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The Indonesian Economic Affairs Coordinating Ministry recently completed a working visit to Berlin in late October with this goal in mind.

According to Antara News Agency, November 5, Deputy for International Economic Cooperation Coordination at the Ministry, Edi Prambudi, engaged in discussions with several high-ranking German officials, including Dominik Schnichles, Director General of Trade at the Economic Affairs and Climate Action Ministry.

Prambudi’s visit focused on securing the German Government’s backing for Indonesia’s ambition to become a full member of the OECD. He expressed gratitude for the robust economic relationship between Indonesia and Germany, highlighting Germany’s status as the largest economy in the European Union and a key trading partner for Indonesia within the EU bloc. Prambudi also noted Germany’s role as one of the founding members of the OECD.

In addition to OECD accession talks, Prambudi praised Germany for supporting Indonesia’s recent inclusion as a full member of the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). T. Raja Kumar, President of FATF, announced Indonesia’s acceptance as the 40th full member during a plenary meeting in Paris, France, on October 27, 2023.

The meeting also covered follow-ups to the Joint Declaration of Intent of the Indonesia-Germany Joint Economic and Investment Committee, signed by the Indonesian Economic Affairs Minister and the German Economic Affairs and Climate Action Minister in April 2023. Discussions included exploring bilateral cooperation opportunities, particularly in investments in special economic zones in Indonesia’s manufacturing and industrial sectors.

Furthermore, Prambudi met with Lucinda Trigo Gamara, Head of Germany’s G7/G20 Sherpa Office. The meeting acknowledged Indonesia’s significant role in the G20, including its presidency last year and current membership in the Troika of the Indian G20 Presidency. The outcomes of the G20 Summit held in New Delhi on September 9-10, 2023, and the upcoming priorities under Brazil’s G20 presidency were also topics of discussion.