Integrated education method to reduce dropout rate in Papua: official

Papua (ANTARA) – Implementing an integrated education method can be a solution to lower the dropout rate in the region, according to the Papua’s Education, Library, and Archives Office.”We have implemented the free formal and non-formal integrated education scheme, (and we offer) a dorm and a multi-grade school in the same building, so children who cannot read, write, and calculate are allowed to attend (non-formal) school,” the office’s acting head, Protasius Lobya, told ANTARA here on Saturday.

ccording to the office’s data, the number of dropouts in Papua in 2022 had reached 407,546, and this data is currently being updated for 2023.

Lobya explained that children studying in the non-formal program are allowed to wear school uniforms akin to those in formal education, and when they are ready, they can attend the one-stop formal school.

“Next, we will improve school facilities and increase the number of teachers,” he remarked.

He pointed out that several students dropped out of school owing to the family’s economic conditions and the distance between their homes and schools.

“In 2022, Papua’s students’ dropout number in the elementary school level (SD) was 147,778; junior high school (SMP) was 131,878; and high school (SMA) was 127,889,” he stated.

Furthermore, he noted that the formation of new provinces will drive changes in the regulation regarding the education management authority.

“The new provinces and districts change the regulations in the (education) authority, which affects the educational structure of Papua,” he remarked.

One of the high schools that becomes part of the integrated education scheme is the Papua Sports School (Smankor) that was renamed to “Integrated Senior High School”.

ccording to the office, under the program, classes in the integrated high school will be observant of the students’ talents and place students with similar talents in the same classroom.

The Integrated High School will be based on social ecology, which means it adapts to the Papuan society’s culture, an official remarked.

Source: Antara News Agency