Jakarta Istiqlal, Cathedral outstandingly follow health protocols: VP

Vice President Ma’ruf Amin highlighted that health protocols were followed diligently at the Istiqlal Mosque and Jakarta Cathedral during the level 3 public activity restrictions (PPKM) in Jakarta.

“Istiqlal Mosque has a capacity of 300 thousand people, but only four thousand may enter, so it is almost one-tenth. Visitors’ temperature and vaccination proofs are checked, and everything is well monitored,” the vice president stated at the Jakarta Cathedral here on Friday.

“Likewise at the Cathedral, I see the capacity is only 20 percent, and all is well-managed,” he added.

Amin expressed optimism that strict health protocols will also be followed at worship places in regions.

“We hope that all places of worship, such as mosques, churches, and pura, would apply health protocols in regions where (PPKM) levels had started to drop to three, two, and so on,” he emphasized.

Accompanied by a limited team, Amin reviewed the implementation of health protocols at the Istiqlal Mosque and performed Friday prayers there. After performing the Friday prayers, Amin then passed through the Silaturahim (friendship) Tunnel to go to the Jakarta Cathedral Church.

“It turned out to be very good, and everything was splendidly executed. Thus, we hope that the ways of implementing health protocols (in Istiqlal and Jakarta Cathedral) can be emulated,” he affirmed.

The government has implemented level 3 PPKM in Jakarta, so worship places may accept visitors, with a maximum capacity of 50 percent.

Stipulated in Jakarta Governor’s Decree No. 1026 of 2021 on level 3 PPKM, Governor Anies Baswedan has allowed houses of worship — mosques, mushala, churches, pura (Hindu worship place), temples, shrines, and other places functioning as worship places — to operate.

Worship activities or religious congregations can be held during the level 3 PPKM, with a maximum capacity of 50 percent or 50 people by applying strict health protocols in accordance with technical provisions of the Religious Affairs Ministry, according to the governor’s decree, signed by Baswedan here on Monday, August 23, 2021.

Source: Antara News