Ministry conducts training of trainers for livestock mass vaccination

Jakarta The Agriculture Ministry organizes a training for facilitators, or training of trainers (ToT), to prepare them to train and teach other health workers on implementing mass vaccination to boost the fight against foot-and-mouth disease (FMD).

“Under the training, experts from the producers of vaccines that will be used in Indonesia are invited to provide information on vaccines and their implementation,” the Ministry’s Public Relations and Information Bureau Head, Kuntoro Boga Andri, noted.

Through a statement on Friday, he remarked that the ministry will also provide lessons to farmers on the livestock data collection mechanism.

This will be used to mark livestock post-vaccination and serve as material for vaccination workers.

Moreover, farmers are being edified on the importance of implementing a first line of defense for plague control or simple biosecurity during vaccination.

This aims to avoid the possibility of workers becoming a triggering factor that can spread the disease even further.

“This activity serves as part of the government’s efforts to improve the skills of vaccination workers on the field,” he explained.

Source: Antara News

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