New Capital Authority leader should be aware of local wisdom: senator

Palangka Raya, C Kalimantan The New Capital Authority leader should not only be smart and determined in building infrastructure but also have sensitivity and the ability to see potential in local wisdom, Senator Agustin Teras Narang has said.

An awareness of local knowledge would be crucial for encouraging the society and stakeholders in Kalimantan Island to support  Nusantara Capital City (IKN,) Narang said at a webinar on “Searching for the Ideal Leader for New Capital Authority Body Nusantara,” accessed from Palangka Raya, Central Kalimantan, on Saturday.

“Because the IKN Law that was passed by the House of Representatives (DPR RI), the Regional Representative Council (DPD RI), and the central government, states that the IKN Authority leader’s position will be on the same level with the ministry and have special authority,” he added.

The prospective leader of Indonesia’s new capital will hold special powers such as for issuing investment licenses, ease of doing business, fiscal and/or non-fiscal incentives, as well as granting facilities to anyone who supports financing for the preparation, development, and transfer of the new capital, he noted.

The New Capital Nusantara Authority head could even make history in terms of Indonesian state administration as they will be elected and appointed by the President after consultation with the House, he said.

Given the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) of net-zero carbon emissions by 2060, the IKN leader must preserve the region’s unique forest wealth by avoiding investment that can damage forests in the long term, Narang said.

“What is the use of a forest city if the heart of Borneo becomes only a memory?” the senator remarked.

The webinar organized by Borneo Muda also featured former North Kalimantan Governor Irianto Lambrie and Indonesian Ambassador to Kazakhstan and Tajikistan, Mochammad Fadjroel Rachman, as speakers.


Source: Antara News

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