Ninh Thuan aims to become national high-quality shrimp seeds production area

Ninh Thuan is a province located in the south central coast of Vietnam, situated about 350 km south of Ho Chi Minh City. Ninh Thuan province’s agriculture sector has set one of the goals of sustainable aquaculture development is to become a national centre for producing high-quality shrimp seed. The province has determined the key tasks in the 2021-2025 period, which include: to prioritise investment in infrastructure works in hatchery production areas; to attract businesses to invest in infrastructure and develop the production of broodstock shrimp in An Hai and Nhon Hai communes, to select high-quality production processes and apply novel science and technology to production. The province currently has 453 establishments with more than 1,200 shrimp hatchery farms, with a total hatchery tank capacity of more than 145,630 cubic metres. Annual production capacity is from 40 – 50 billion shrimp seeds, which can meet 30 – 40 per cent of the country’s shrimp farming needs.

Source: Vietnam News Agency