No strict activity limitations due to declining COVID-19 cases

The government has decided to not impose stricter regulations during level 3 of community activity restrictions, as the number of COVID-19 cases in several places had started to decline.

“We have not seen any (reason to) impose stricter monitoring again, no, instead, we are relaxing what (regulations) we are doing, albeit with strict monitoring,” Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs and Investment Luhut Binsar Pandjaitan stated at a press conference here on Monday.

He explained that the number of COVID-19 cases in Jakarta had seen a gradual decline in the last four days.

Additionally, the bed occupancy rate, viewed as an indicator by the government, did not show a significant increase as was apparent in hospitals, such as the Kemayoran Athlete’s Village COVID-19 Emergency Hospital, Sulianti Saroso Hospital, Persahabatan Hospital, and Pertamina Hospital.

The government has called to not panic or be overly worried or concerned, as they had extensive coverage of vaccination and booster vaccine services in addition to the public’s strict adherence to health protocols.

“In fact, we encourage strict adherence to health protocols. Please, just go wherever you want, (like) the mall (for instance). Use PeduliLindungi (application), then (undergo) PCR or antigen (tests) to check yourself should you have symptoms,” Pandjaitan stated.

However, the government was also aware of the fact that the number of COVID-19 deaths per day had reached 111 on Sunday, February 13, the highest surge since the end of September 2021.

Health Minister Budi Gunadi Sadikin highlighted that the peak in deaths occurred two weeks after the peak of the pandemic during which 56 thousand cases per day were recorded.

In comparison with the Delta variant, the count of the daily COVID-19 cases at that time had reached 56 thousand, with 2,069 deaths per day.

Sadikin expressed belief that the death rate would not reach the extremes, such as a thousand or 500s.

The Health Ministry noted that 60 percent of the patients who died were either unvaccinated, had yet to get the complete dose of vaccination, had comorbidities, or were elderly.


Source: Antara News