Parents play a significant role in preventing child marriage: Ministry

Jakarta- The Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Culture stated that parents have a significant role in preventing child marriage.

“Parental assistance to children can prevent child marriage,” the Deputy for Coordination of Quality Improvement for Children, Women, and Youth of the ministry Femmy Eka Kartika Putri said here on Sunday.

Putri explained that parents could educate their children about various negative impacts caused by child marriage.

“Parents can also provide understanding to their children about the dangers of today’s promiscuity and accompany their children to avoid promiscuity,” she said.

In addition, she said, the active role of educational institutions can also contribute positively to efforts to prevent child marriage. According to Putri, concern from school teachers is urgently needed through education about the dangers of child marriage.

“Schools and parents must have a similar understanding so that children understand the risks of early marriage,” she said.

Meanwhile, the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture Muhadjir Effendy also invited all parties, especially parents, to prevent child marriage to avoid its various negative impacts.

“Child marriage is feared to have negative impacts such as domestic violence, divorce, and stunting in children who will be born to the emergence of new poor families,” said Effendy.

He added that marriage requires readiness to create a harmonious household, both physically and mentally readiness.

“Child marriage does not have the necessary preparation. It is feared the physical condition of a woman who is married under 18 is not ready to give birth and become a mother,” he said.

“Giving birth at a young age is also feared to threaten the lives of the mother and the baby,” he added.

Source: Antara News