Party official receives Chairman of LDP’s Policy Research Council

Politburo member Truong Thi Mai, Chairwoman of the Vietnam-Japan Friendship Parliamentarians Group, received Hagiuda Koichi, member of the Japanese House of Representatives and Chairman of the Policy Research Council of the Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), in Hanoi on July 10.

Highly appreciating the positive development of the Vietnam-Japan ties, including the relationship between the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) and LDP, the host and guest exchanged views on the Vietnam-Japan relations’ future growth and the enhancement of engagements between young Vietnamese and Japanese leaders and parliamentarians as well as of the locality-to-locality and people-to-people exchanges.

Mai, who is also Secretary of the CPV Central Committee and Chairwoman of the CPV Central Committee’s Organisation Commission affirmed Vietnam attached importance to its ties with Japan and highly valued Japan’s cooperation with and investment in Vietnam.

She recommended Japan to further strengthen the foundation of the CPV-LDP ties in the Vietnam-Japan relations, increase high-level exchanges and meetings, and promote practical cooperation across fields.

The official also proposed Japan continue to provide new-generation ODA in line with Vietnam’s development needs, coordinate with Vietnam at multilateral forums, and support Vietnam in maintaining peace, stability, and cooperation in the East Sea in accordance with the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS).

For his part, Hagiuda affirmed that Japan highly values Vietnam’s position in its regional policy and wishes to cooperate with Vietnam in organising activities to mark the 50th anniversary of the two nations’ diplomatic relations and implement contents discussed between General Secretary of the CPV Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong and LDP Chairman and Prime Minister of Japan Fumio Kishida at their high-level online talks in February.

Hagiuda expressed his wish to further enhance cooperation between the two Parties, coordinate with Vietnam in human resource training, and effectively implement the Vietnam-Japan University project.

Highly appreciating the contributions of the Vietnamese community in Japan to the host nation’s economic and social development, he said that in the future, Japan will expand its reception of skilled Vietnamese labourers.

On the same day, Hagiuda held talks with Chairman of the CPV Central Committee’s Commission for Foreign Affairs Le Hoai Trung and worked with Minister of Industry and Trade Nguyen Hong Dien./.

Source: Vietnam News Agency