Protect Children, Minister Johnny Asks To Intensify Vaccination

Jakarta, Kominfo –  Minister of Communication and Information Johnny G. Plate asked for intensification of vaccination for children aged 6-11 years, in line with the increase in the number of children suffering from Covid-19. According to him, currently the percentage of vaccinations for children aged 6-11 years is still below the target.

“Vaccination for children 6-11 years old must be intensified together. We don’t want the number of children exposed to Covid-19 to continue to increase,” he said in Central Jakarta, Friday (18/02/2022).

According to Minister Johnny, the step to intensify vaccination for children requires the support and collaboration of all parties. “Starting from the central and regional governments, the private sector, the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) and the Indonesian National Police (Polri), state institutions, educational institutions, and all elements of society so that its implementation attracts attention for children,” he explained.

In addition, the Minister of Communication and Information expects parents   to play a role in encouraging their children to immediately participate in taking these health protection measures.

“All parties must pay attention to pursuing this target with the support of different resources and approaches, especially so that vaccine activities are more attractive to children,” he said.

Minister Johnny explained that the government is targeting 26.4 million children aged 6-11 years to get the Covid-19 vaccination. Citing data from the Ministry of Health as of February 16, 2022, the achievement of vaccinating children for the first dose is only 66.7 percent or 17.6 million children. While the second dose is in the range of 29.28 percent or 7.7 million children.

“In order to optimize the implementation, he continued, vaccination of children also requires a different approach from vaccination of parents. Children are usually more active, so the vaccination activities need to be packaged attractively so that they are happy,” he said.


Source: Ministry of Communication and Information