UNDIP Signs Memorandum of Understanding with Dharmais Cancer Hospital on Cancer Research and Development with Robotics

Diponegoro University (UNDIP), Semarang collaborated with Dharmais Cancer Hospital, Jakarta which was inaugurated by the Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding on Cancer Research and Development with Robotics. Undip was represented by the Undip Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, SH, M. Hum. and Dharmais Cancer Hospital was represented by the President Director of Dharmais Cancer Hospital, dr. R. Soeko W. Nindito D., MARS.

In the Memorandum of Understanding Signing event which was held online through the Zoom meeting platform, the Director of Planning, Organization and General Affairs was present; Plt. Director of Human Resources, Education and Research; Chairman of the Medical Committee; Chief of Medical Surgical Oncology Staff; Training Coordinator; Hukormas Coordinator; Consultant Surgical Oncology Specialist (dr. Bayu Brahma, Sp.B (K) Onk); Chairman of the Undip Board of Trustees; Chairman of the Undip Academic Senate; Undip Vice Chancellors; Dean of the Undip Faculty of Engineering; Undip researchers and lecturers (Dr. Rifky Ismail, ST, MT); along with the board of directors and invited guests.

Cooperation in the implementation of the Research and Development of Robotic Cancer Surgery program between Undip and Dharmais Cancer Hospital aims to develop cancer health services that are effective, effective, and prioritize patient health. The cooperation programs that will be implemented include support and facilitation for cancer researchers, capacity building of resources in the development of cancer health services, as well as the development of partnership networks in supporting cancer health services. All cooperation programs included in the Memorandum of Understanding between Undip and Dharmais Cancer Hospital are valid for five years starting from the date of signing and ratification on 18 February 2022 to 17 February 2027.

Undip Chancellor, Prof. Dr. Yos Johan Utama, SH, M. Hum. expressed his gratitude for the cooperation established with Dharmais Cancer Hospital. Prof. Yos stated that the work program contained in collaboration with various institutions including health institutions to carry out research was in line with Undip’s vision as an  Excellent Research University .

Undip is listed as the university with the 1st rank of applicants for Intellectual Property Rights (HAKI) nationally in 2019 and several research results have been successfully streamlined into products that can be used by the public. “The most important thing is education and research, hopefully it can produce good synergy with the Dharmais Cancer Hospital. Hopefully the program from the research results can be useful for both parties and be useful for the welfare of Indonesia, “said Prof. Yos in his short speech.

In line with what was conveyed by the Undip Chancellor, the President Director of Dharmais Cancer Hospital, dr. R. Soeko W. Nindito D., MARS. also grateful for the cooperation on Cancer Research and Development with Robotics. dr. R. Soeko said that Dharmais Cancer Hospital is one of 100 cancer service hospitals in Indonesia that collaborates with the Indonesian Ministry of Health to provide comprehensive cancer services.

“It is the responsibility of all of us to reduce the number of cancer cases. As a cancer service center in Indonesia, we aim to serve the entire community. With the latest medical facilities and using robotic technology, hopefully we won’t be completely dependent on foreign countries because Indonesia is already able to handle cancer cases,” said dr. R. Soeko. He hopes that other specialists can also take advantage of robotic technology so that they can build a healthy and strong Indonesia.


Source: Universitas Diponegoro