Vietnam Party Leader Calls for Accelerated Settlement of Corruption Cases

Hanoi, November 23 – Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong led a meeting of the Central Steering Committee on Prevention and Control of Corruption and Negative Phenomena on November 22. He emphasized the urgency of resolving corruption cases more swiftly. Trong, who also heads the steering committee, underscored the necessity of continuing the fight against corruption and negative phenomena by examining laws, mechanisms, and policies to ensure effective measures.

According to Vietnam News Agency,Trong instructed Party committees, Party organizations, and relevant agencies to intensify efforts to prevent and control corruption. This includes addressing serious and complex cases that have garnered public attention, such as those involving Viet A company, AIC company, and FLC, Tan Hoang Minh, and Van Thinh Phat Groups. He called for the verification and resolution of 10 cases, prosecution of defendants in five others, and the initiation of first instance and appeal trials for several cases.

Trong urged central-level litigation agencies to enhance inspections, provide guidance to local authorities in resolving difficulties in corruption investigations, and improve inter-agency coordination. The steering committee also highlighted the importance of implementing recommendations from the Party Delegation to the National Assembly and called for a review of responsibilities in relevant cases. Since the committee’s 23rd meeting in January, there has been a notable increase in the investigation and handling of corruption cases. Noteworthy progress includes monitoring 68 cases, launching criminal proceedings against numerous individuals, and conducting trials for several defendants.

The fight against corruption has extended to serious cases involving various ministries, sectors, and localities, both within and outside the State sector. The Party Central Committee’s Inspection Commission has conducted several inspections related to these cases, leading to disciplinary actions against numerous Party organizations and members. Additionally, substantial assets have been seized or frozen, and a significant amount of money has been recovered in corruption-related cases.