Vietnamese Delegation Studies France’s Press and External Information Approach

Paris: A delegation from Vietnam’s Party Central Committee’s Commission for Information and Education, led by Vice Chairman Tran Thanh Lam, is visiting France to study the European nation’s approach to press, publishing, and foreign information work. During their visit, the delegation engaged in discussions with Taylan Coskun, a member of the Politburo of the French Communist Party (PCF), and Anthony Draguet, Secretary General of the PCF-run l’Humanité newspaper.

According to Vietnam News Agency, Draguet provided insights into the communication strategies of l’Humanité and the challenges it faces amidst a rapidly evolving digital landscape. The meeting facilitated an exchange of experiences and explored cooperative opportunities, especially aiming to enhance partnerships between l’Humanité and Vietnamese press agencies, particularly those under the Party Central Committee’s Commission for Information and Education.

Tran Thanh Lam presented a French translation of Party General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong’s book “Some theoretical and practical issues on socialism and the path towards socialism in Vietnam” to Draguet during the visit. The delegation also met with leaders of the France-Vietnam Friendship Association (AAFV) to learn about the operations of Perspective magazine, the information agency of the AAFV. The magazine plays a vital role in promoting Vietnam’s image and information, as well as the AAFV’s activities aimed at enhancing Vietnam-France relations.

The Vietnamese delegation’s activities in France also included interactions with the Vietnamese Embassy and representatives of Vietnamese press agencies in France, such as the Vietnam News Agency, Nhan dan Newspaper, and Radio the Voice of Vietnam. Ambassador Dinh Toan Thang highlighted the significant progress in Vietnam-France relations and the contributions of media agencies in this regard. The delegation’s visit included tributes to President Ho Chi Minh at his statue and Montreau park in Montreuil city, and participation in the Vietnamese Culture Day in France, marking the 50th anniversary of Vietnam-France diplomatic relations and the 10th anniversary of the bilateral strategic partnership.