Vietnamese Diplomat Stresses ASEAN’s Role in Regional Peace at Geneva Peace Week

GENEVA — A Vietnamese diplomat underscored the increasing significance of diplomacy, dialogue, trust building, and multilateral cooperation, particularly through regional organizations like ASEAN, amidst the current complex global interconnectedness.

According to Vietnam News Agency, Ambassador Le Thi Tuyet Mai of the Permanent Mission of Vietnam to the United Nations Office in Geneva, these factors are crucial in navigating today’s global challenges, as stated during her November 2 address at the Geneva Peace Week, which ran from October 30 to November 3.

In her speech at the high-level panel “Navigating the New Normal: Legitimacy, Accountable Security, and Partnerships in Peace 2.0”, Mai conveyed the message that solitary approaches are inadequate for addressing contemporary global issues. She highlighted ASEAN’s pivotal role in shaping the regional security landscape and fostering dialogue and cooperation both within and outside the region to advance shared objectives of peace, security, and development.

Ambassador Mai elucidated Vietnam’s active involvement in ASEAN-led efforts and its engagement in regional and global initiatives aimed at conflict prevention, conflict resolution, and sustaining peace post-conflict. She pointed to Vietnam’s mediation role in international disputes, evidenced by hosting the US-DPRK summit in 2019 and its contributions to the peace process in Myanmar.

Mai accentuated the necessity of collective efforts to tackle global challenges, leverage diplomacy, and multilateral cooperation to foster trust and peace for a better future for all.

She further affirmed Vietnam’s commitment as a responsible UN and ASEAN member to uphold multilateralism and abide by international law, including adherence to the UN Charter and the ASEAN Charter principles. Emphasizing the importance of marine security, safety, and sustainable resource use in the East Sea, she referred to the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) as a fundamental framework guiding Vietnam’s actions.

Geneva Peace Week serves as a premier annual platform in the field of international peacebuilding, bringing together a vast array of organizations from Geneva and beyond to exchange expertise on peace-related topics. Celebrating its 10th anniversary, the 2023 event centers around “Building Trust, Building Peace: An Agenda for the Future”.