Village Ministry, IFAD review TEKAD Project in eastern Indonesia

Thus, the economic transformation can fully benefit the community. Jakarta (ANTARA) – The Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (PDTT) Ministry as well as the International Fund Agricultural Development (IFAD) visited several villages to ensure smooth running of the Integrated Village Economic Transformation (TEKAD) Project.”The Village PDTT Ministry and the IFAD are very concerned about improving the implementation of the TEKAD Program,” Director for Promotion and Marketing of Prominent Village Products at the ministry Ari Indarto Sutjiatmo said, as quoted from a press release on Tuesday. Several representatives from the ministry and the international organization visited the villages in West Seram District in Maluku Province, Manggarai District in East Nusa Tenggara Province, South Manokwari District in West Papua Province, and Nabire District in Central Papua Province last week to review the implementation of the project. Sutijatmo, who is concurrently the manager of the TEKAD Project, remarked that findings of the representatives during the visit will be used to evaluate and further develop the project. Furthermore, Sutijatmo said that his side will attempt to bolster the involvement of the local government and stakeholders. “Thus, economic transformation can fully benefit the community,” he remarked. Country Director of IFAD for Indonesia Hani Elsadani Salem stated that the visit would also identify obstacles encountered in the implementation of the TEKAD Program, so his side could immediately develop short- and long-term solutions to address the issues. In addition, Salem said that the visit aimed at finding the best practices that could be emulated in other villages. The TEKAD project is a collaboration program between the Villages PDTT Ministry of Indonesia and the IFAD to empower rural communities, so they could witness inclusive economic transformation and growth. The project is implemented in nine provinces in the eastern region of Indonesia, namely Maluku, North Maluku, East Nusa Tenggara, Papua, Southwest Papua, West Papua, Central Papua, Highlands Papua, and South Papua in the 2019-2025 period.

Source: Antara News Agency